Monday, August 23, 2010

My tutorial discussion......

this weeks tutorial was very interesting, we had been given our projects which is very exciting and fun. we had chosen the topic to do with privacy and the government. we were split into groups, and we had to choose the topic that we were going to research. we had chosen to do the "blackberry controversy", basically governments in certain countries have problems with the blackberry network as they do not have access to it, and fear that terrorist can use it as a form of communication. we have spilt the work into sections, we all will be research aspects of the controversy, the networks itself, reasons to why the government requires access to the network and so on. its a very interesting topic with allot of insight to it, that we will have to uncover and submit to our group news paper. we all would need to know why government needs to have access to our personal lives. its also interesting to see whats happening in the world as we become more and more technologically advanced. looking forward to do dig into the work, and uncover the untold secrets. :)

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