Tuesday, August 31, 2010

news paper project!!!!

our news paper article is going quite well, we are up to date,  and the work has started to piece together now.......

Monday, August 23, 2010

My tutorial discussion......

this weeks tutorial was very interesting, we had been given our projects which is very exciting and fun. we had chosen the topic to do with privacy and the government. we were split into groups, and we had to choose the topic that we were going to research. we had chosen to do the "blackberry controversy", basically governments in certain countries have problems with the blackberry network as they do not have access to it, and fear that terrorist can use it as a form of communication. we have spilt the work into sections, we all will be research aspects of the controversy, the networks itself, reasons to why the government requires access to the network and so on. its a very interesting topic with allot of insight to it, that we will have to uncover and submit to our group news paper. we all would need to know why government needs to have access to our personal lives. its also interesting to see whats happening in the world as we become more and more technologically advanced. looking forward to do dig into the work, and uncover the untold secrets. :)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

a little about me and freedom of speech........

I’m Prinolan Perumal; I come from Westville (Durban). As a student I only strive to excel and do well in all aspects of work, and my day to day activities. I would one day like to graduate and further my studies, honours and beyond (hopefully). That would be all that I work at the moment. I live a very busy lifestyle. Packed with activities, day after day. My main priority would be university; the rest of my time is spent relaxing, working out and having fun. Even though it doesn’t sound very tiring, it is! When it comes to the end of the day, I’m drained out.
My main sources of news and media would be the radio, newspaper, TV and the internet. In the mornings and when ever I’m in the car I listen to east coast radio, which keeps me informed of the latest news and how the traffic is in certain areas, the radio is news on the go and is always updated and given to you almost as if it had just happened. At home my dad reads the daily news every day, whilst sitting down I tend to browse through it having a look at what’s up, and what’s happening in the world, it is very interesting looking at what’s happening in society and reading stories about incidents that have occurred. I sometimes watch ETV news at 8pm, its fast and not time consuming yet you can see the news at one go, view the weather and even catch up with what’s happening in the sports. TV is a great form of entertainment; there are varieties of which you can view movies, talk shows and even the latest music.This would be the only forms of news I keep up with what’s happening in the world. My interest would be sports and entertainment, well that would be my main focuses.

My view of “freedom of expression”, i.e. “freedom of the press”, is the stepping stone to democracy, as it gives people the view of exactly what happens without anything being taken out, the story is as it should be. There shouldn’t be any limitations to it; it should be down as it is.